Mother's Day...Belated

I have decided that I can write about things late, because well, damnit! I do what I want!

Oh, and I dont have regular readers, so it all works out.

I just have to say that I love my mommy everyday and not just on Mother's Day. I don't just love her because she didn't abandon me after I stretched out her vagina with my head, but because she is my friend and an incredible lady!

I love you Mom!

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    My Diary

    It is always suggested to log your progress in a diary when you are trying to lose weight. This is my version of a log of my progress on my goal. I thought a public log would motivate me more and help me find support. This project is not about losing weight (although I suspect and hope that weight loss will be a side effect). It is about living life the way I have always wanted to: Healthy, Active, and Happy!

The Woman Challenge - Join! - May 9 through July 3, 2010 -

The Goal

I realized while talking to my uncle John that I am living someone else's life. That changes today. The next 365 days will be devoted to becoming myself again.

The Goals:

Decrease my overall ecological footprint.

Focus on healthy nutrition and eating habits.

Eat locally and in season.

Only eat meat when necessary in social situations. Fish is still on the ok list.

Exercise daily.

Take care of myself; I am important!

No more complacency. It doesn't start tommorrow; it starts right now.
